The Legend Zelda: Skyward Sword Fan Art Gallery
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, released by Nintendo in 2011 for the Wii is the 6th 3D Zelda and meant a huge difference from Twilight Princess with a much brighter color selection and a completely new story without Ganondorf this time but new villains like Demise and Girahim. Skyward Sword received in general high praise but not everyone liked the controls with the wii-mote. The game is still quite awesome and so it is no wonder that a lot artist like to draw it and the many protagonists and antagonists of the game. Currently 17 monsters and bosses of the game are part of Link’s Blacklist already, in mid February around 5 protagonists like Fi will be featured on Game-Art-HQ’s 2nd Zelda Project, Link’s Friendlist |
Selected Fan Art of the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Link and Fi awaiting his Return by Art Zealot |
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword in Game-Art-HQ Art Projects
Like almost all of the Zelda games, Skyward Sword is a part of our Link’s Blacklist Project, almost the half of all the Bosses and Enemies of the games were drawn for this art tribute now, the next update will most likely arrive in May or June 2014!