Cascoon using Electroweb by GlitzerKirby

GlitzerKirby is one of the German artists that followed the call and joined GA-HQ due to the Pokemon Tribute in 2016. His three Generation I contributions covered Hitmonchan, Voltorb and finally Doduo with the Run Away move that nobody else drew in the Gen I & II Projects. He returned quickly in both our Gen II and Gen III Tributes and is on board the just started Gen IV Project as well!

You can see his whole gallery on dA here!


“The user captures and attacks opposing Pokémon by using an electric net. It reduces the targets’ Speed stat”


The Electroweb move was introduced in the Gen V Pokemon games and is one of the damage dealing Electric-type move that has the side effect of slowing down the enemy by one stage.

Electroweb targets all adjacent opponents as well. Only Kakuna and Cascoon are using the Electroweb in our Project yet. The only way for Cascoon to learn Electroweb is by tutoring and this can only be done in the Generation 7 games.


Cascoon using Poison Sting by PamtreWC

Will from the UK was one of the first artists that joined our Pokemon Gen I tribute back in May 2016 and he came back at every year so far to draw some of the many Pokemon for our art collaborations. He had a very tough year and I wish him that 2019 has a lot of positive surprises for him.

He also draws a ton of original Pokemon / Fakemon. His gallery is absolutely worth to visit!


Poison Sting

“A Poison-type attack. Has a one-in-three chance of leaving the target poisoned”

Poison Sting is a Poison-type move many Pokemon can use. It is damage dealing and also has a chance of poisoning the enemy. 

The move has 100% accuracy but only a 30% chance to poison the enemy. Like a lot of Bug Pokemon, Cascoon can learn this move quite early on.



#268 Cascoon

“If it is attacked, Cascoon remains motionless however badly it may be hurt. It does so because if it were to move, its body would be weak upon evolution. This Pokémon will also not forget the pain it endured.”

Cascoon is the cocoon form of Wurmple once it evolves to Level 7. After Level 10 Cascoon evolves into Dustox; to which it’s alternate Silcoon evolves into Beautifly at Level 10.

Before it evolves further, Cascoon lies motionlessly protecting itself from attacks from other Pokemon with defensive moves and status effects. All the pain it endures it never forgets, and thus at Level 10 a vengeful Dustox emerges ready to pay back the world for all the torment it went through in its evolution.

Hence why one of the anime’s antagonists Jessie had a Cascoon in contrast to protagonist May’s Silcoon. While May’s Silcoon evolved into Beautifly which was peaceful and friendly, Jessie’s Cascoon evolved into Dustox which was combative and vicious. These clearly mirrored the good/bad personalities of both of the Bug Pokemon’s trainers.


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