Blind the Thief is a boss character from the Legend of Zelda games and made its debut in 1991 when it was the boss of the Thieves Town Dungeon in the Super Nintendo game Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past.

Blind never returned directly in another game so far. There is a stronger version of him in the LoZ ALTTP DX Game Boy Advance Port which can be found in the Palace of the Four Sword, and there is a Lorule counterpart of him in LoZ ALBW with Stalblind.

Blind the Thief Zelda ALTTP


Blind the Thief from the Legend of Zelda Games: an Overview

Charactername: Blind the Thief
  Developed /Created by:
Gameseries: The Legend of Zelda   First seen on:
Super Nintendo
First Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past   Year first seen in:
Last Game: “”
Role(s) and Characteristics: Boss   Weapons or Martial Arts Style:  
Additional Tags:     Similar Characters:  
Has Relations to:     See also:  


Official Game Art like promotional Illustrations and in game models of Blind the Thief



Arrghus in Game-Art-HQ Art Projects

Blind Zelda 3 for Link's Blacklist


Blind the Thief is a part of our Link’s Blacklist and was drawn one time so far.


Selected Fan Art of Blind the Thief

None yet      



Trivia and own opinion(s)