The Moon from Zelda

The scary looking Moon is a giant object that will destroy the world of Termina in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (Nintendo 64, 2000) if Link is not fast enough to defeat the Skullkid and Majora’s forms.

The Moon returned in the form of an object in Hyrule Warriors (Nintendo Wii U, 2014) and is not an antagonist there.

The design and facial expression of the Moon changed a bit in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D, an upcoming remake of the game for the Nintendo 3DS in 2015.


(Majora’s) Moon from The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask: an Overview

Charactername: Moon   Developed /Created by Nintendo
Gameseries: Legend of Zelda   First seen on: Nintendo 64 
First Game:  Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask   Year first seen in: 2000
Last Game: Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D (2015)   Birthplace:  
Role(s) and Characteristics: A undefeatable Object that can destroy the world   Weapons or Martial Arts Style:  
Additional Tags:     Similar Characters:  
Has Relations to: Majora   See also:  


Official Game Art like promotional Illustrations of the Moon


Moon Zelda MM3D Render

LoZ Majora’s Mask 3D (2015)

Moon from Majoras Mask Render

LoZ Majora’s Mask (2000)


The Moon from Majora’s Mask in Game-Art-HQ Art Projects

Moon-LB1 Moon from Majora's Mask Game-Art-HQ Villain Challenge

 The Moon is part of two Game-Art-HQ Art Projects so far, Link’s Blacklist, our big collection of Zelda Monsters and Antagonists, and also the Villains Art Challenge during December 2014.


Selected Fan Art and Cosplay Photos of the Moon from the Legend of Zelda games

Moon from Zelda Majora's Mask 3D Cake Art by Cakecrumbs

Majora’s Moon Cake Art

by Cakecrumbs

Majora's Moon destroying Terminal by Vincent Bisschop

Majora’s Moon destroying Terminal

by Vincent Bisschop

Skullkid and the Moon by Orioto

Skullkid and the Moon

by Orioto




Updates and additions in the Moon from LoZ Gallery & Overview

31.08.2016 – Header screenshot + Zelda MM/MM3D Moon Renders + 2 fan art pieces added