Demise is the final boss and main antagonist in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (2011) for the Nintendo Wii and probably the reason why Link and Princess Zelda are reborn and have to fight new incarnations of him (Ganon etc.) as part of a curse by Demise after he got defeated by Link in the game.

Skyward Sword is considered to be the first Adventure of Link and Zelda.

Demise is described as the source of all monsters who conquered even time itself. He fights with a Giant Sword (Ghirahim)


Demise Render


Demise from the Legend of Zelda Games: an Overview

Charactername:  Demise   Developed /Created by Nintendo
Gameseries: The Legend of Zelda   First seen on: Wii 
First Game: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword   Year first seen in: 2011
Last Game: “”   Birthplace:  
Role(s) and Characteristics: Antagonist   Weapons or Martial Arts Style:  
Additional Tags:     Similar Characters:  
Has Relations to:     See also:  



Official Game Art like promotional Illustrations of Demise

Demise Skyward Sword

LoZ Skyward Sword (2011)




Demise in Game-Art-HQ Art Projects



Demise Skyward Sword Link's Blacklist 2015

Demise is Part of our Link’s Blacklist and was drawn three times for it so far.


Selected Fan Art and Cosplay Photos of Demise from the Legend of Zelda

Demise Legend of Zelda Art


by VegaColors




Trivia and own opinion(s)