Like-Like Legend of Zelda for Link's Blacklist

So, there you are, seeing Link being caught by one of the weirdest creatures ever seen in Hyrule.

What the hell is that, you might ask!

Like Like Legend of Zelda 1


Hylia Beilschmidt is a big Legend of Zelda fan who draws a lot fan art of Link and other LoZ characters since years, usually with traditional tools. Have a look at her whole gallery here.


LikeLike Zelda Screenshot

The so called “Like Like” is a tube-like creature which sucks in Link and robs his Shield often before it spits it out again. A very useful tactic to defeat it, is to use a Bomb that might get sucked in by the Like Like and will explode inside its body. Yes…thats kinda brutal. But effective.

Like the majority of the Legend of Zelda enemies the Like Like became a recurring enemy, it is mostly seen in the handheild Zelda games. The last time a Like Like was in a console Legend of Zelda game was in Majora’s Mask (2000).



Other Like Like in Link’s Blacklist:

None Yet 🙁




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