The Poe is a recurring undead enemy in the Legend of Zelda games. It debuted as a minor enemy that can be found at the Graveyard in The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (1991).

Their visual designs were changed multiple times but in general they appear as hooded ghosts or gchost-like spirits that carry a lantern with them. In some of the later Zelda games like LoZ Twilight Princess they are using weapons to attack Link.

There are also connected characters like the Poe Sisters the Poe Collector or the Shadow Hag.


The Poes from the Legend of Zelda Games: an Overview

Charactername: Poe   Developed /Created by Nintendo 
Gameseries:  The Legend of Zelda   First seen on:  SNES
First Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past   Year first seen: 1991 
Last Game: The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (2015)   Birthplace:  
Role(s) and Characteristics:  Enemy   Weapons:  
Additional Tags:     Similar Characters:  
Has Relations to:     See also:  



Official Game Art like promotional Illustrations of Poes from The Legend of Zelda


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)




The Poes in Game-Art-HQ Art Projects

The Poe enemies are of course a part of our big Legend of Zelda Bestiary Project, the Link’s Blacklist and were drawn in three of their different designs already 


Selected Fan Art of Poes




Updates in the Video Game Character Database entry and game art gallery of the Poe’s

18.04.2018 – Creation of Poe’s Gallery and DB Entry