Freya Crescent is one of the playable protagonists in Final Fantasy IX (2000) and represents the Dragooner Job-Class in the game.

She is a Burmecian, a race of anthropomorphic rats only seen in FFIX so far. Freya is also a playable character in a couple of the many Final Fantasy spinoff games like Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (2014)


Freya Crescent from the Final Fantasy Games: an Overview

Charactername:  Freya Crescent   Developed /Created by Square-Enix
Gameseries: Final Fantasy   First seen on: Playstation
First Game: Final Fantasy IX   Year first seen in playable form: 2000
Last Game: Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (2014)    Birthplace:  
Role(s) and Characteristics: Protagonist   Weapons or Martial Arts Style: Lances and Spears 
Additional Tags:     Similar Characters:  
Has Relations to:     See also:  



Official Game Art like promotional Illustrations of Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy


Freya Crescent Final Fantasy IX Official Art Freya Crescent FFIX Concept Art Freya Crescent Final Fantasy IX by Amano Art

Final Fantasy IX (2000)




Freya Crescent in Game-Art-HQ Art Projects

Freya Crescent Final Fantasy IX Worlds Apart Art Burmecia  Freya Crescent Final Fantasy IX Worlds Apart Portrait Art 

Freya Crescent is a part of our Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart Art Collaboration with OCR


Selected Fan Art and Cosplay Photos of Freya Crescent

Freya Crescent by Juri the Dreamer

Freya Crescent

by Jurithedreamer




Trivia and own opinion(s)