May (known in Japan as Haruka) is the main protagonist in the Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire (2002) and Emerald (2004) games that were released for the Game Boy Advance if the player chooses to play as a female.

Otherwise she is the rival of the male main protagonist Brendan. May returned with the same role in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire on the Nintendo 3DS in 2014, these games were remakes.

May from Pokemon on Game-Art-HQ


May from the Pokémon Games: an Overview

Charactername: May (Haruka in Japan)   Developed /Created by Nintendo / Game Freak
Gameseries: Pokemon   First seen on: Game Boy Advance 
First Game: Pokemon Ruby /Sapphire   Year first seen in: 2002 
Last Game: Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire   Birthplace:  
Role(s) and Characteristics: Female Main Protagonist or Rival   Weapons or Martial Arts Style:  
Additional Tags:     Similar Characters:  
Has Relations to:     See also:  



Official Game Art like promotional Illustrations of May

May from Pokemon Omega Heart

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby (2014)

May from Pokemon Emerald

Pokemon Emerald (2004)

May from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire

Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire (2002)




May in Game-Art-HQ Art Projects


May is not yet a part of a Game-Art-HQ Community Art Collaboration


Selected Fan Art and Cosplay Photos of May

May (Haruka) from Pokemon

May / Haruka

by Genzoman




Trivia and own opinion(s)