Crow from LoZ ALTTP Link's Blacklist


And here we go, this was one of the last submissions for the fourth round of our Link’s Blacklist and is also one of the most unique artworks this time with it being not just drawn or made with using 3D Model software, but before I try to explain what you see here, I rather let Christine describe her outstanding work!

“The crow! You know the guy; hangs out in trees, swoops down and kicks you, steals your rupees. Yeah, that guy. I actually really like crows, so it kind of kills me that I have to fight them. :/

This is done completely in fabric with several different patterns of dyed and printed cotton and one layer of polyester. I used dozens of different techniques, from paper piecing the small hexagons, to free piecing the pattern in the corner. Every piece of fabric is stitched down to the base fabric using one of several different decorative stitches. 

Embroidery was done by hand and by machine to give feathers different textures, and a swirling background stitch was done by hand in acrylic/silk blend ribbon embroidery floss. 

One each element was assembled, it was layers onto the background and stitched down separately. As a final touch, a acrylic eye was added to the crow, and dozens of Swarovski crystals were set all over the fabric ( rupees anyone? )  The feather is a blend of cotton and polyester with hand embroidery.
Actual Rupee shapes were added later.

I recommend to have a look at Christine’s gallery on deviantART where you can see an additional photo of her take on the Crow from A Link To The Past!


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