Final Fantasy Kingdom Hearts Crossover Art by ProcerDeCrepusculum

Final Fantasy is a part of the Kingdom Hearts series anyway, but Malcolm S. Newton aka procerdecrepusculum a just 19 year old artist from the USA drew these mix of FF and KH characters together in his very own style which reminds me in this case a lot at the style of Final Fantasy VIII and its almost stylish looking main characters like Squall and their SEED Uniforms they almost reminded me at oldschool King of Fighters character designs, while the artstyle itself is quite different.

For the case you don’t know all characters in this drawing, they are: (from left to right)

Aqua and Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Noctis Lucis Caelum from the upcoming FFXV, Squall Leonheart from FFVIII, Firion the main protagonist from FFII, Cloud Strife from FFVII and finally Lightning from the FFXIII Trilogy.

Malcolm participated in our Castlevania Series Tribute last year with a phenomenal submission about Castlevania Chronicles, it looks like he will be on board at our new and currently work in progress big Final Fantasy Art Collaboration about the protagonists of the games as well!


Visit these related galleries on Game-Art-HQ as well:

Castlevania Tribute - Castlevania Chronicles

Castlevania Chronicles by PDC

The GA-HQ Final Fantasy Art Tribute - Those Who Fight Further

Final Fantasy “Those Who Fight Further”

Final Fantasy Anniversary Tribute

Final Fantasy I Tribute