Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, the reboot of the Castlevania series is often described as a third-person action-adventure game, but at its core its more like a beat’em up in an unusual environment.

The protagonists of the game, Gabriel Belmont fights his way through endless seeming hordes of deadly creatures and can use around 40 combos for that. Ranging from simple move combinations to those which launch the enemies into the air and Gabriel must follow them to continue the combos.

The gameplay itself is often similar to God of War but the focus is more on different combos instead of many different weapons to use.

The setting is a bit different than in earlier Castlevania titles and the gameplay is more action focussed than ever before.

The game shows how the core mechanics of the beat’em up genre can be used for very different game experiences and still make beat’em ups a relevant video game genre.


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Castlevania Lords of Shadow GA-HQ Beat'em Up Tribute 


About our illustration of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and the artist behind it

 Rhafiel from Mexico is a Game-Art-HQ contributor and participated in Link’s Blacklist or the Mortal Kombat tribute beside this Castlevania Lords of Shadow artwork for the beat’em up tribute. You can see his portfolio on deviantART here

The illustration was made using traditional drawing tools like blue red and black ink, colored pencils and watercolors over cardboard.



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