Mordecai Borderlands Art by Donna Brown

Mordecai Art by Donna Brown, please click on it to see the details of this art

Mordecai is one of the 4 playable characters of the first Borderlands game.

He is a part of the Borderlands 2 storyline too, and it is fun to see what Gearbox made with this character, but i hope he might be playable again via a future DLC or Borderlands 3 too, his bird was just awesome!

This fan art means the debut of Mordecai on GAHQ thanks to Donna Brown aka Karniz, a very talented artist who describes herself as a hobbyist. I mentioned the same another time today already in this article but her skill and her gallery really surpasses a lot of the self described professionals.

Donna is a part of the Link’s Blacklist Project Crew and submitted a great Tektites entry already, but i doubt this will be the last we see from her on GAHQ!