Link`s Blacklist: Stallord from Zelda: Twilight Princess
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This is the Twilit Fossil Stallord, the boss of the Arbiter`s Grounds in Zelda: Twilight Princess. It was a lifeless skeleton of a beast on ancient times, but Zant resurrected it to use it against Link. Our first entry of it was drawn by PeteyXkid from the united Arab Emirates. |
The Battle against Stallord, the Dungeon Boss of the Arbiter’s Ground in the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
drawn by pin1000 as her first submission to a Game-Art-HQ Art Collaboration
This is the 2nd illustration of Stallord now for Link’s Blacklist and I was glad that Pin100 from Russia joined the project and decided to draw the gameplay elements of the battle against this boss in her submission. Am looking forward to see her joining more of our Video Game Art Collaborations in the future! |
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The battle against Stallord is pretty special since Link is not able to walk around as usual but is riding on a spinner and has to hit Stallord itself to break his bones as well to take care of the attacks by it and its minions. Stallord is also the final boss in Link’s Crossbow Training btw. |