Skulltula OoT Art


If you can`t stand spiders i recommend you to leave this page about the Skulltula from Zelda: Ocarina of Time as fast as possible 😉

The Skulltula`s in Zelda: OoT are only recurring enemies but Asashi Kami from the USA draw the first of them which is actually a big Skulltula, but beside having more range it was not more dangerous than it`s smaller variations

This piece took him around 20 hours and created quite a buzz when he submitted it, not only got it the daily deviation honors on deviantART, but was also featured on and probably a few other websites as well.

This is what Asashi had to say about his piece:

“hehehe, , do you guys remember that moment when you first picked up the controller and headed over to the Deku Tree and encountered your first enemy (aside from the bokobaba plant)? …who else pictured that moment like this image? I totally did, lol… hell the whole game looked like this to me. lol. Imagination! yeah!”

Due to requests of prints of this artwork, Asashi made them available via, you can order them there ^^

Skulltula Art Render OoT

Skulltula Zelda Ocarina of Time Link's Blacklist 2015
Our 2nd artwork of the scary Skulltula Spider from Zelda:Ocarina of Time was drawn by Applfruit
This is how the Skulltula looked in-game, in later Zelda games these scary spiders made a return in much more detailed appearances!  

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