by SpicyWonton

SpicyWonton about..

Dudley my Entry

Dudley, a magnificent, handsome and respctful boxer is in my opinion a character that people tend to over look.

I find that he demonstrates characteristics of a good person, showing patience, kindness, determination, calmness, class and more.

I think more people should be like Dudley, but many aren’t and they live their days using whatever than can as a threat to protect themselves from what may seem like a harsh world. 

 I wanted to draw Dudley as I have deep respect for his
character. I wanted to draw an image that would capture his finesse in a simple, yet moving way. I used MS Paint for the Lines and colouring.

I am not sure how well this went though, as I was challenged with color pallet creation and shading.

This art piece is just done in passion for art. I first did this for fun, then I found out about this tribute and decided to partake in it. I thank GBK666 for accepting me and my piece here.


Dudley Street Fighter Tribute artwork

by raulovsky






by raulovsky about…

Dudley my Entry



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Other Articles on Game Art HQ related to Dudley

Fan Art of Dudley

Street Fighter III Series

Official Images of Dudley