KOF Boss Team Geese Krauser Mr Big

The Boss Team – Geese Howard, Wolfgang Krauser and Mr. Big

While Geese Howard, the team leader of the Boss Team was mentioned in previous King of Fighters games before and basically initiated the Tournament in the first Fatal Fury game he was not playable in KOF yet. This changed in KOF’96 and he is accompanied by his helper Mr. Big
who is the normal boss in the first Art of Fighting and Wolfgang Krauser who is his younger half-brother and the boss of Fatal Fury 2.

Geese has evil intentions as usual and as power-hungry as he is he wants to know more about the Orochi Power.Wolfgang Krauser probably knows that he is used by Geese as a pawn but cares only about self-improvement after he lost against Terry Bogard. He hopes to fight strong opponents in the King of Fighters tournament.

Mr. Big thought that a win at KOF would raise his influence of his criminal organization but he is only used by Geese to gauge the strength of the Orochi Power as well and tries to assassinate his Team Member when he hears about it.

The three returned only in KOF’98 and its remake as a team sadly.

Our so far only  illustration of the Boss Team was drawn by Marvin Law

He wrote the following about the team and why he claimed this one as well:

Given my personal perchance and enjoyment of drawing bad guys and villains, the option of choosing, the Boss team from KOF’96, was a bit of a no brainer for me.

This trio of Geese Howard, Wolfgang Krauser and Mr. Big, comprise some of the best villains that the SNK games have produced.

Most people not in the know, would look at this team, and think it were thrown together haphazardly, but given that Mr. Big was Geese’s right hand man, in the Art of Fighting games and that Geese is also Wolfgang Krauser’s half-brother, makes this team interesting, since there are connections, but their union is tenuous at best.

KOF Tribute Boss Team Geese Wolfgang Mr Big KOF96

 King of Fighters Boss Team