Albatoss Sprite

The Albatoss is one of the minor enemies from Super Mario Bros. 2 ..and the original Japanese version known as “Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic” before.

It is a bird which tries to throw a Bob-omb at the player and after SMB 2 the Albatoss only returned in the Super Nintendo and the Game Boy Advance versions of Super Mario Bros. 3 where the King of the Sky Land is turned into an Albatoss. The Bob-Ombs however returned in almost all later Mario games.

Maybe we have a Mario related art collaboration like Link’s Blacklist in the future which would mean at least 1-3 new fan arts for the Albatoss…there is nothing else i can do for this small gallery right now.


The Albatoss from the Super Mario Bros. Series: an Overview

Charactername: Albatoss   Developed /Created by Nintendo
Gameseries:  Super Mario Bros.   First seen on: NES
First Game: Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic / Super Mario Bros. 2   Year first seen in: 1987
Last Game: Super Mario bros. 3 Advance   Birthplace:
Role(s) and Characteristics: Common Enemy    Weapons or Martial Arts Style:
Additional Tags: Birds in Video Games
  Similar Characters:
Has Relations to:     See also:



Fan Art of the Albatoss:

Albatoss Fan Art by Brendan CorrisThe Albatoss by Brendan Corris