Around 10 days ago i featured artists from five continents who drew breath-taking The Last Of Us Fan Art.

As usual i am asking the artists before i just use their works, this is one of our holy rules on this website even if it can mean a No, or that an artists answers sometimes days or weeks later, those are small hurdles but i rather live with those than to be like the 99% of other website admins which just copy what they want ..and are often enough not even crediting the content  creators.


I planned a bigger article and asked around 20 artists, and in a handful cases i got the permission to feature the artworks short after the first article was published already.

But these works are too damn great to just oversee them now and so i thought, why not making a 2nd article about The Last Of Us fan art 🙂

You can see the first one here btw.

We don’t have Clickers and Bloaters this time, and Ellie is a key or main element of just all six illustrations.




The Last Of Us Fan Art by by_alassa

“Calm down already you little brat!”

 There are lots of Ellie and Joel fan arts but only a very few with the other characters like Bill.

Alassa from  the Czech Republic disliked that and so she started to draw a relative unusual Last of Us fan art with this piece here which shows Bill with the two protagonists.

You can find more of her fan art and also photos of her Ellie cosplay here

 Ellie is one of the very few girls in video games..even in 2013 who are not either sexualized or total stereotype barbie /punk/ gothic etc. character designs.

Instead she is a character who can be as brutal as an grown up man, has her own will and brain and uses it often enough in the game to surprise us through her deep personality.

Ginebra Camelot who drew the illsutration to her on the right wrote:

“In Ellie’s eyes there is nostalgia but also hope. Sometimes life is cruel and makes us go through difficult situations and is even worse when you’re still a child. The children can give us great lessons =D

I hope you like it”

The Last Of Us Ellie Fanart by_ginebra camelot

by Ginebra Camelot from Spain

Ellie Fan Art by_huzzain

by Huzzain from Pakistan


The following three fan arts are featuring the same characters but are drawn in as different styles as somehow possible. From the photorealistic looking piece by SilenceSob from Iran on the left, to the Oil-Paint like one by Kr0nPr1nz from Russia and the black and white piece made with traditional tools like black ballpoint pen and white ink by Snowmarite from Latvia. Again it is amazing how The Last Of Us inspired artists from every country where the game is available to create art about it.

The Last Of Us 2 Art by_silencesob

by SilenceSob


by Kr0nPr1nz

Ellie Art Last Of Us by_snowmarite

by Snowmarite


The just released Grand Theft Auto V might have made a billion and be a great game which points the finger on our society, but motivating artists worldwide to create emotional simply priceless and so far it does not look like GTA gets a lot attention by the creative and talented artists among the gameing community.