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An Art Tribute to the Playstation 3 Survival Horror Game “The Last Of Us” and its characters by Thomas Wievegg


The Last Of Us is an amazing game made by the same developers who created Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter and the Uncharted series before.

And it seems like The Last of Us will be their next big trilogy and return on the Playstation 4 in one or two years.

It is no wonder that this often emotional survival horror game inspired and motivated many artists to draw the two main protagonists Ellie or Joel.

Ellie from Last Of Us by thomas wievegg


Thomas Wievegg, a 26 year old Swedish gamer and a professional artists too went the extra route and created an extraordinary series of detailed illustrations.

He painted the protagonists as well as some of the different forms of the infected like the Clicker or the Bloater with an impresse effort which made many people think these drawings are actually official promotional illustrations.

Reason enough for us to feature these stunning artworks!


You can increase their size through clicking on the images or the names of the characters.

Joel Last Of Us by Thomas Wievegg


Bloater Last Of Us by_thomas wievegg

The Bloater

“This guy was so much fun to do, I will definately try and make more of these”

The Process of painting the Bloater

Clicker Last of Us Art by_thomas wievegg

The Clicker

The Clicker was the first Last Of Us illustration by Thomas. These guys are infected for around a year and lost their eyesight because of it, they rely on clicking sounds to navigate.

This poor guy here has the fungus growing out of his eye sockets and now he is basically covered in mould. Even Thomas himself was disgusted a bit after seeing the result of his painting but mentioned that it was a lot of fun too.

Stalker Last Of Us by_thomas wieveggThe Stalker

After more of the infected were requested, Thomas decided to draw the Stalker as well, an enemy class he did not really notice in the game itself since they are so similar to the Runners, but after reading up on them he wanted to paint one for sure.

He describes his take on the Stalker with the following:

“I was worried that it would look just plain disgusting, with that fungus growing out of the eye socket. Because it gets so much more gross and disturbing when you mix disgusting stuff with very human features. At least in my opinion.

So I really tried to capture somekind of emotion, and not just go all insane-gross-disgusting. I wanted to convey that this woman is still a bit “in the game” and feels some sort of empathy, together with the incredible pain and discomfort of course.. Like, you can see a glimpse of her human self before she turns into a clicker!”