Skarlet Intro Screenshot 

(Soon) It’s Raining Blood!

Skarlet Fatality

Skarlet’s Finishers are extraordinary gory

Skarlet is the latest Mortal Kombat character made real after years of her being a rumored character.

She made her debut in Mortal Kombat 9 as a downloadable additional kombatant, and joined the roster with a interesting backstory, a sexy visual design and a damn bloody arsenal of moves!

Skarlet MK9 Render Small


 Fernando “Phrenan” Martinez from Spain drew this illustration of Skarlet for the MK Art Tribute back in 2011 already when it was about only 80 different characters, and not the around 300 different MK character designs.

He drew Skarlet there who is made of the blood of fallen warriors and dark sorcery and called his illustration “Vivid Red”

A fitting tribute indeed for both Skarlet and the Pit stage from Mortal Kombat 9!

 Skarlet MK9 Mortal Kombat Art Tribute by Fernando Martin

Click on the Skarlet artwork to enlarge it

Other Mortal Kombat Art Tribute Artworks of Skarlet


Mortal Kombat 9

Skarlet-MK-Tribute-Alternate Costume

Mortal Kombat 9 Alt. (PSVita)

Back to the Mortal Kombat Tribute Main Page


Read more about Skarlet, see official art of her as well as selected fan art and cosplays here on Game Art HQ


 Ending Illustrations of Skarlet in the Arcade Mode of Mortal Kombat 9

Skarlet-Mortal-Kombat-9-Ending I Skarlet-story-2-MK-Mortal-K Skarlet MK9 Ending where she kills Quan Chi