Baraka MK2 zbrush_sculpt art

Back in 2010-2012 there were a lot rumors about a possible Mortal Kombat HD remake, even a few images were leaked to show how it could have been looked. Even actors would have been hired to remake the old semi-photorealistic graphic style of the early Mortal Kombat games. Sadly no HD MK games were ever released though and it seems they got cancelled completely.

A small group of motivated and talented Mortal Kombat fans around Gabriel “Bleed” Melendez is working on a Mortal Kombat I “HD” Remake however, using quite detailed and very good looking 3d based characters used for a 2d game made with the M.U.G.E.N engine. While Baraka is not part of this game, there are already ideas about expanding to Mortal Kombat II somewhen in the future.

Read and see more about Baraka here