Zelda TP Artwork by_katatafisch Death Mountain

This was one of the most beautiful Legend of Zelda artworks i have seen in the last time, and its a pleasure to feature it here. The Death Mountain in Zelda: Twilight Princess is such a great area in the game, and the German artist Max “Katafisch” Heyder illustrated it here with an image in the look of a screenshot.

Wouldn’t it be damn cool to have such visuals in the games actually? The recently released Nintendo WiiU could make it happen..maaaaaybe but i doubt we will ever see a visual style like that in a Zelda game anyway.  I recommend to see the fullsize version of it (by clicking on the image) and trying it out as a wallpaper..it looks really great! 

Game related art is not the main focus of Katafisch, but his gallery on dA is full with interesting art anyway, i also recommend to visit his website

*Update March 2016 – the artists dA account is no more, the personal website of him was also closed. =/