Handsome Jack, the main antagonist and “evil tyrant” from Borderlands 2 sure looks handsome in this great portray by australian artist Sheridan Johns.

Like myself, he is`nt a big fan of FPS games otherwise, but the art style and humor, the characterdesigns and the mix of an First Person Shooter with RPG elements and that huge world of Pandora to explore just caught the both of us i guess.

His own description about his Handsome Jack and how it turned out after around 15 hours of work was:

“I’m insanely pleased with how this turned out, and I finally feel like my 2-3 years of training by painting celebrity portraits is finally paying off, and I have learnt enough techniques to create stuff like this now!”


I can assure ya, that you are not the only one who is very pleased with the outcome of your work. The 15 hours were very well spend. Neartly 20k views and over 550 faves on dA speak a clear language!

I highly recommend visiting his gallery on dA as well

Handsome Jack