Normally i am showing fanart here in the form of drawn pictures, often in a size  big enough to use them as wallpaper as example. Today, you see some much much smaller artworks, in the form of so called sprite edits /sprite art.


From Wikipedia:

Spriting is usually defined as the act of creating partially transparent 2D raster graphics for use in video games, commonly referred to as sprites; by extension, it is also used to refer to the act of creating pixel art, though not all sprites are necessarily done in that style. Pixel art comprises a large part of “sprite art” as a whole; though technological advances since the mid-nineties allowed pre-rendered raytraced imagery, or essentially any 2-dimensional image style to be used as a sprite. In some communities, “pixel art” is considered a synonym of “sprite art”, and classification of artwork as “sprite art” is held to the same standards, though pixel art itself is not limited to the creation of sprites.

That as background Info, now take a look at the sprite art by EnlightendShadow and his gallery


Like always when i introduce the works of a new artist to GA-HQ it means new gallerys as well, these will be made today and tomorrow, this post will be updated