#252 Treecko used Energy Ball and Absorb in our Pokemon Generation III Art Tribute
Treecko used Energy Ball by The Pandamis
Slowbro was the first submission by ThePandamis to a Game-Art-HQ Collaboration. Like so many other artists he joined this community due to our first Pokemon Tribute and returned in 2017 for the evolution of Slowbro. Meet the mighty yawning Slowking!
In 2018, Pandamis was one of the first artists on board and also one of the first artists that had their first illustration ready for it after just a couple of days. His take on Treecko was submitted on the 5th January already : )
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Have a look at the full gallery of Pandamis here!
Energy Ball
“The user draws power from nature and fires it at the foe. It may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. “
Energy Ball is a Grass-Type Move that deals damage, introduced in the Generation IV games (Diamond, Pearl and Platinum).
It has a power rating of 90 and the nice side effect of lowering the opponents special defence by an amount of 10% as well. It does not affect targets with the Bulletproof ability though. Treecko learns Energy Ball at level 37 (previously 51 since Generation IV, and 50 in X and Y). The first Pokemon that learned the Energy Ball in our Project was Vileplume from Gen I!
Treecko used Absorb by Viral Zone
Back in October 2017 I saw a wonderful take on Ramza Beoulve from Final Fantasy Tactics, one of my favourite Playstation games ever.
It was drawn by this skilled artist from the UK and reason enough to invite him to our group on dA. Diogo / Viral Zone liked the idea of our art collaborations and soon became an active part of the community including his contributions for this project with the trio of Latios, Treecko and Loudred
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Please check out his whole here on deviantART here!
“A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target”
Absorb is a great Gen I move that does both damage your enemy a bit and also heal yourself a little at the same time, it has a low Power rating of only 20 though. Since Gen VI, Absorb can not be used anymore if your Pokemon is under the affects of the Heal Block.
Tangela from in our Pokemon Gen I Tribute was the first one that used it, the next one was Treecko, the first Gen III Pokemon in the Pokedex.
#252 Treecko
“It makes its nest in a giant tree in the forest. It ferociously guards against anything nearing its territory. It is said to be the protector of the forest’s trees.”
Treecko is one of three starter Pokémon that first appeared in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. It is a grass-type starter, which evolves into Grovyle starting at level 16 and then into Sceptile at level 36.
This Pokémon is seen as calm and brave even in this first-stage form – it never panics at any threat looming over it. It can glare at larger foes without even stepping back, and will also defend its territory with its life – mostly using its thick tail to attack. The bottom of its feet have a lot of small spikes and hooks on them, allowing them to climb walls, ceilings and other vertical surfaces. This is why it opts to nest on top of giant trees in a dense forest.
Ash caught a Treecko on the way to Rustboro City in the animé, during an event where it tried – and failed – to save its home tree from dying. Following on from this, it decided to challenge Ash to a battle and ultimately got caught, making Treecko his second Hoenn Pokémon. Just like others of the species, it is a calm and serious Pokémon that will defend its pride with every fiber inside its body.