by jamflavored

jamflavored about…

“Chun Li will always have a soft spot with me. I remember being super excited as a kid when I got Street Fighter II and finding out they had a ‘girl fighter.’

Once I got a little older, I started paying attention to her back-story and who she is as a character, not just a move list. She’s become a bit of a role model for me and I end up adoring her more and more with each new game.

However, my favorite is always going to be Pocket Fighter.”

” I knew from the start, the biggest thing I was going to change was her hair. I’m redesigning her to be older (15-20 years post IV,) so I’m pretty sure you aren’t going to want to see a 40-50 year old rocking hair buns. The issue with that, however, is in keeping true to her back-story towards honoring/mourning the loss of her father.

I decided to take the ribbons from her hair and re-purpose them as her boot laces as a way of remembering her past, but being able to move on with it. I kept the main concept of the outfit, but redesigned each part a little bit to bring it up to date. She needed something a bit more sleek looking, but not quite as flashy as her Alpha outfit.

This is the first work I’ve done entirely in Photoshop. I usually do my lines in SAI and then import them, but I wanted to try something new.

I went from base sketch to color flats, opting for hard coloring instead of my normal blended. After that, I cleaned up the lines, colored them and painted over the top with a few details.”