This is a fan art by Tom Waterhouse of the fictional character Gum from the Jet Set Radio action game series by Sega


Tom`s own description of his work:

“I did the line work for this image a while ago now, and finally bothered to colour it. Didn’t bother with doing such a great job, but it kept me entertained for an hour.

This is ‘Gum’ – From Jet Set Radio. I dont know how accurate the details of the text on her chest is, as in it may be different on the actual game. However it is correct to the actual Japanese of “gum”.

More playing about with colouring… Ok ok, I’ll stop doing these and draw something funny next time – I promise.”


This fan art by 2DForever / Tom Waterhouse was published the first time on April 1, 2005


Visit also on Game Art HQ:

Other Fan Art by 2dForever

Other Gum Fan Art

Jet Set Radio Series Fan Art (Not Yet)

 Official Gum Game Art (Not Yet)


See Also

Homepage by 2DForever


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