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This is a Gears of War 3 fan art, submitted by 10SunsUp as entry for a Contest by Epic Games and Deviantart.

The characters on this fan art are Dominic Santiago and a Locust

This fan art by 10SunsUp was published the first time on September 28, 2011


His own words about the Game:

“Loved games since as long as I can remember. First time I saw Gears of war I knew I had to buy a xbox 360 to play this game. So I did, same thing with Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, Dreamcast, and Playstation 2. As a fighting game fan all my life, I didn’t think I would love a shooter so much. Its just the best combination of great art, gameplay, characters, and environments”


Other Fan Art by 10SunsUp

Other Gears of War 3 Fan Art

Official Art of Gears of War 3 (Not Yet)


10SunsUp at Deviantart



The fan arts on this page are chosen by me personally, the artists gave me their permission to publish them on Game-Art-HQ.Com.

If you are an artist and would like to see your works  here, you can contact me via the submissions forum here

If you are someone who liked the works of the artists featured here, you can contact them via the links/nicknames under every fan art image