This gallery shows the video game related art by Magnothus from Indonesia chosen for GA-HQ.

You can find more of his works which are not video game related and contact infos on his deviantart profile.

You can directly contact Magnothus via email here

He can also be reached via Yahoo


To see an enlarged version of the artworks, simply click on them, to see more game art related to the character or game, click on the name under the image!


 Glacius and Sub Zero, Mortal Kombat vs Killer Instinct

October 2011


Female Version of Rayden for a Genderswap Contest

at MKRebirth

September 2011


September 2011





October 2010

Akuma (Lineart by Artgerm)

July 2011



Every artwork on this site was chosen by me personally, every artist was asked by me for their support of this website