Bomberman Fan Art by 2DForever
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This is a fan art by Tom Waterhouse of the fictional character Bomberman from the same named game series by Hudson Soft
Tom`s own description of his work:
“Today we have Bomberman (the little guy) and… a less cute version of Bomberman. It all came from comparing the serious real-life bombers, to the cute and innocent Bomberman series. Originally going to be a crazed looking bomber, I thought it would be more fun to draw a human sized and shape version of Bomberman.
I say size, but we have no idea what size Bomberman is. I’m just assuming that he’s small.”
This fan art by 2DForever / Tom Waterhouse was published the first time on March 24, 2006
Visit also on Game Art HQ:
Other Fan Art by 2dForever
Other Bomberman Fan Art
Bomberman Series Fan Art (Not Yet)
Official Bomberman Game Art (Not Yet)
See Also
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