Ice-Wolf-Elemental, also known as Nikki from New Zealand and one of the artists from our deviantART group who answered the call to join the group of artists featured on Game-Art-HQ,com asked herself this question and gave the idea to draw her as a grown up woman a shot.

I think the result looked awesome and that’s the reason why this little blog exists.

Personally I look totally forward a The Last Of Us sequel with completely new protagonists bt would like to see both Ellie and Joel return with updated /aged designs and character developments.

Would just be nice to see what happened with them after the TLOU events!

This imagination of how Ellie could look was drawn in around 6-7 hours. Used was Photoshop CS6 as well as a Bamboo Wacom Tablet.

Welcome on board @ Nikki!

Ellie Last of Us Grown Up Older