Cyberpunk 2077 Art

Cyberpunk 2077 is a new project by the people who brought us the Witcher games already, and only one trailer with no gameplay at all was shown yet.

This trailer impressed a ton of people however and ober 60000 of them are liking the Cyberpunk2077 facebook page already while not a glimpse of the game itself was seen.

The Russian photographer Vladimir Holstinin was one of the artists who wanted to make a photoshoot related to this trailer and with Hannuki he found the right model for such a photoshoot.

The third artist, needed to design the environment to re-create a similar scenery than on the screenshot from the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer is Cylonka from Poland.

Together, these three created a damn awesome looking artwork for this game, which makes me looking forward to it even more!


 Cyberpunk 2077 Trailer Screenshot