Fulgore Killer Instinct 3 by_franco ferrari


Orchid Killer Instinct XB One by_franco ferrari


Glacius Killer Instinct XBone by_franco ferrari


The last Killer Instinct was released in 1996, and fans waited for a new part over 10 years..hoped for an XBOX 360 version since Microsoft purchased Rareware and the Killer Instinct IP but nothing happend. Short before the E3 this year, Microsoft teased that fans of an old Rareware Series would be happy and like a few other too knew it would mean a new Killer Instinct game.

It was finally shown on the E3 with a nice but very short trailer between long trailers for multiplatform games and well..mostly shooters. The XB One console with all its DRM is also not only splitting the gaming community ..its more like a 95% PS4 vs 5% XB One Battle if the gamers alone would decide it..at least currently. But let’s see how the console will be received in the end.

But now let’s talk about the three illustrations of the Killer Instinct characters Fulgore, B.Orchid and Glacius sorry @ Franco Ferrari but this stuff about the new Killer Instinct just had to be mentioned in an article with KI related game art..!

Like some of you already know, i worked on a lenghty .Orchid article for over a week which was published here recently with a ton of informations about her as well as official art, even a few concept renders and some of the maybe best Orchid related artworks made by fans as well.

When i looked for these, Franco’s slightly redesigned Orchid illustration was one of those i wanted to have in the article but both of us thought, that all three of the KI characters of him should be shown here. Beside the Killer Instinct fan art you can see a lot more game related in Franco Ferrari’s gallery on deviantART, including even Pac-Man and the super rarely drawn Turok 2. Predator fans will also find something interest there.


To celebrate the Killer Instinct series we also organized an Art Contest about the series which is ongoing until the 16th August, you can read all informations about it on our DeviantART Page here