The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse illustrated by Mikaël “Orioto” Aguirre

When I looked up the Wikipedia article for this game today I read that the Magical Quest received  – well deserved – praise but its short length and low difficulty was criticized.

I played The Magical Quest back when I was 13 and only made it into the 3rd of the 6 long levels and damn the game was difficult for me from the start, and that while I beat Super Ghosts ‘n Goblins before!

Anyway, Orioto continues to do what almost nobody else beside him gets done so nicely, drawing and capturing the spirit of old and new video games that deserve such a spotlight.

His take on The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse is just another one of his many awesome video game illustrations.

You can get a Poster of this via Redbubble there. Be quick, the artist limits these posters to only 50 per artwork!