Noctis Final Fantasy XV Cosplay

For over 7  years we though there would be another Final Fantasy XIII game called FFXIII Versus which would have a main protagonist by the name Noctis Lucis Caelum..

this year on the E3 after many rumors about the game being cancelled after all, it got rebranded as Final Fantasy XV and is now in development for the Playstation 4 and XBone.

Well, the game look s better than the most Final Fantasy games of the last years and hopefully it a a return to old forms. One thing is sure at least, Noctis has a lot fans already including

Inushio Kimuchi from Thailand who cosplayed Noctis already.

The screenshot like hud is a nice effect for the cosplay which make it almost look like being a part of the trailers shown so far 🙂



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